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Re: Internet in the USA
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2011, 02:30:41 PM »
Oh, just so you know what I was referring to, here is a link to the story on the ALCU's website


The combination of the bill talked about in that story, with this bill, or any other of broad sweeping powers, does give me heartburn. I still say we do need to crack down on people violating IP rights, but this bill is too broad, ill defined, and combined, could be used to force a dictatorship here being as the courts would be removed from the loop.

Adam LaCombe

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Re: Internet in the USA
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2011, 04:05:25 PM »
Nope, I haven't made any changes since the last time I sent you the zip with the security updates.


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Re: Internet in the USA
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2011, 04:28:39 AM »
OK, got a reply back from the developer on this one. Here is the email he sent back.


Hey Kurt,

Don't worry about it. You guys can continue to use my star rating script for free with your script.
I understand that you're not in it for huge profits :)

As long as the credits are still in there.

I know, He emailed me also to indicate what he has agreed to. ;)

Learn a lesson Adam - - - Most people, even when they have had their scripts stolen and re-badged, still don't mind helping legitimate requests for free use (Just like myself). But if it becomes widely known that you '"Support Piracy" then chances are you'll be dead in the water.

As for the rest of it - - - I'm not that inclined to get any further into American Politics. But one thing can be said - "You have the right to protest" - It's the same Democracy that is trying to protect the American people (For whatever reasons) the best way it can, and at the end of it  the "Ballot Box" determines who agrees with what.

Just imagine an election based on repealing the proposed legislation - May work - May not.


Adam LaCombe

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Re: Internet in the USA
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2011, 08:54:00 AM »
I don't pirate scripts though...
The only thing I use that is pirated software related is programs like Adobe software. I highly highly doubt they would give me anything for free,
I don't even use their software except for the flash player anymore because I run Ubuntu, and Wine can't run Adobe software.
I understand what you're saying though.


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Re: Internet in the USA
« Reply #19 on: November 29, 2011, 05:48:31 AM »

Now I'm out of here for some time while I attend to other things that have been left wanting.

Cheers! ;)


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