

Author Topic: Hello  (Read 3551 times)


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    • Jamsite
« on: September 25, 2011, 09:26:59 AM »
Hi just wanted to say hi and you guys are doing a great job...

I am currently designing my template for my FAS arcade - http://jamsiteproject.comli.com/ - this is going to replace my current HTML/CSS only website - http://www.jamsite.co.uk

I have designed a few websites in the past but this is the first to contain a database/php script.

www.cocktailz.cjb.net - With the changes that you guys make do you think I could use this script for my cocktailz website (Just a thought  ;D)

premade topsites:
http://jamsite.gotop100.com/ - please feel free to add any of your arcade sites I will try to link back.
http://soulbreakers.tk/ or http://urbanforumuk.topsiteworld.com/ - Soulbreakers used to be a full breakdancing website but someone who was admin wrecked it.