I've made so many changes to both the code and the html that I would have to upload the whole programme for others to pick through.I may go back to a "Live" site just for the fun of it, as at the moment I only run on for my grand kids to play with. So it makes it pretty hard for a demo of any kind.
'.$TD1.' '.$l_general_message.' '.$TD2.' <div class=\'msg\'>'.$l_game_deleted.'<br /><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="history.go(-1)">'.$l_go_back.'</a></div>'.$TD3.'
Wow! It resizes without breaking up - IE likes it, so what more could one be expected to do besides centre that menu!Lol!
I'll be absolutely honest with you.If IE likes it so do I - - - - And IE is harder to please than what I am. But IMHO I wouldn't say it was finished - I look at it as being more like a work in progress.