

Author Topic: Game Categories don't show on al pages!  (Read 5742 times)


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Game Categories don't show on al pages!
« on: October 13, 2009, 05:06:38 AM »
On al pages, except allgames.php, newest.php and mostplayed.php, de Game Categories are not shown.
I tried everything, but I can't fix it.

I saw that more people have this problem when I look at there sites.

The demo-site of freearcadescript.net does not have this problem. On al pages you can see de categories on de left site.

I tried to past de code from newest.php in base_home.php to see if the problem was in that code. Even if I do that, everything looks like the newest page exept for de gamecategories. They stil don't show. So de problem is not in de bas_home.php, it has to be something els.

I did not change any codes to create the problem. The problem already was there when I launched de site the first time. But I thought I could fix it.  ???

I have searched for an answer in this forum, but could not find it.
I hope someone can help me!

Ingrid - The Netherlands


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Re: Game Categories don't show on al pages!
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2009, 10:32:54 AM »
The category menu on the left is loaded through the index.php file in the root directory. The first switch determines which menu loads in that spot. It was purposely set up so that the categories did not load on every page. This was done because even when that was coded, plans were in motion to add a number of things, one of which was added at that time(blog). When the blog is being viewed, the blog menu is shown. When the forum module that is planned is being viewed, the forum menu is meant to be shown. When the video mod is veiwed, the video menu shown. Make sense? That being said, you are free to change it however you want it, by changing the code in that switch.

Code: [Select]


case 'play':
include ('includes/arcadesubmenu.php');

case 'mostplayed':
include ('includes/arcadesubmenu.php');

case 'newest':
include ('includes/arcadesubmenu.php');

case 'browse':
include ('includes/arcadesubmenu.php');

case 'myaccount':
include ('includes/defaultsubmenu.php');

case 'search':
include ('includes/arcadesubmenu.php');

case 'addtofavorites':
include ('includes/arcadesubmenu.php');

case 'blog':
include ('includes/blogsubmenu.php');

case 'blogcat':
include ('includes/blogsubmenu.php');

case 'blogentry':
include ('includes/blogsubmenu.php');

include ('includes/defaultsubmenu.php');


Simply change the included file to change the menu selected: arcadesubmenu.php contains the category menu for the arcades, blogsubmenu.php contains the blog menu, and defaultsubmenu.php is basicly blank.

These files can also be changed if you need to change the menu displayed in any of their specific sections.

I will also point out that it is possible that there was a mix up re uploading the files when the server we had went away. It might be possible that the wrong file was uploaded and that could cause the same problems lol. If that is the case, blame it on me as I was the one in charge of doing the re uploading of those files. Let me know and I'll attempt to track down the correct zip if that's the case.

Edited in:
I just noticed something, the demo is not version 1.3. The wrong files must have been uploaded in the move. I will have to attempt to get that taken care of. Right now I'm uploading some other files and can't do both at the same time. Plus I have to leave in a few minutes. I'll try to get this done later this afternoon though. Sorry bout this peeps.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2009, 10:37:08 AM by Freddy Kruger »


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Re: Game Categories don't show on al pages!
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2009, 12:00:36 PM »
Hallo Freddy,

Thank you very much. It works great.

I have 1.3, but I saw that it was possible in the demo version.


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Re: Game Categories don't show on al pages!
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2009, 12:52:55 PM »
YW, that's what we're here for.

And an update, the demo is now running the correct version(1.3). Sorry bout that folks, we're still working out the kinks from the move.