Hi spagetiokillers,My List:Features: 1) Facebook/twitter/google login (openID)2) To be able to expand the arcade to other resources so images/videos - sort of making it a multimedia website3) I'm not sure how easy this would be (I have had a little look) - mobile detection so admins can make a site for mobile devices4) some sort of friend system - more for security so users can hide themselves or block other users from sending messagesChanges: 1) A redesigned admin page (I checked out your modified version and it looked much better) 2) Change the message feature (I dont like having to put the user id would be better with username)I will try and think of some more....
Looks good...nice and neat.http://www.9lessons.info/2011/09/update-login-with-facebook-and-twitter.html - this is the link Adam gave me for the Facebook/google/twitter login the main issue I had was due to the way it stores the details in the database - if two people sign up and they happen to have the same name but different email it thinks its a duplicate.I'm not sure if you also want to add the modification for the .htaccess file so IF a user manually types the address but missed off the / at the end it would redirect - was in my last support question