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High scores add on with game pack
« on: February 11, 2010, 12:04:35 PM »
We have some potentially good news for those who have been waiting for the high scores add on. One of our members has been waiting for a coder to finish up their part of it, and has gotten it back. We now have it, but we need to work it into the script now, and then we expect it should be ready.

It does not come with a whole bunch of bells and whistles. It stores high scores from IPB type games when submited, and lists high scores on that game's page, nothing more. At some point it is hoped to code it in to display high scores on profiles, or a leaderboard, or......., but none of that is done yet, and is NOT expected anytime soon. All it does for right now is store high scores, and display them on that game's own page. THAT IS ALL! Not even a trophy next to the username of the high score holder. This is a bare add on.

They expect to allow the high scores feature to be included in an official release sometime in the near future. However, it cost this member a rather large chunk of money to get it done when compared to their rather meager paycheck.

So here's the deal they are offering:

If you want the add on for free, all you need to do at this point is wait till it's released as part of an official release. That will probably be a few months time.

If you want the add on sooner, we hope to get it integrated into the script this week, they are asking for you to kick in some money to help them cover their cost in getting it done. How much has yet to be decided. Probably $20 - $40 depending on how many people take them up on it. For helping them out in paying for it, you get to use the add on before it is released in the official release, and the game pack which contains about 1300 games that the coder says are high score capable.

The game pack will NOT be given away for free, even when the add on is made part of the release. This member has not tried the game pack, so they can not make any promises about it, but the coder did describe it as nothing but high score capable games.

Again, you are paying for the chance to use it before it comes out as part of the official release. If you don't want to pay, all you need do is wait till it's made part of a release, and get it for free at that point in time.

If you are interested, post here to let us know, and let them know how much you would be willing to kick in to help them cover paying for it. This person is not one of our richer members and took a chance on getting this done for us all. So if you aren't willing to help them cover the cost, please refrain from complaints about them asking for help paying for it. They didn't have to do this for us all, it was a rather big risk on their part.


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Re: High scores add on with game pack
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 10:57:55 PM »
Very Interested


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Re: High scores add on with game pack
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2011, 11:16:21 PM »
I had forgotten this thread. Sorry, should have said something. It never panned out. In fact, I even tried to hire a different coder after this one to try and get it going, and that one faded out as well. So sorry, no high score mod. Anybody interested in coding one, to OUR liking, please feel free to send me a proposal. Keep in mind we hold security to be a primary concern, so anything not secure to our standards would not be accepted.