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For game owners, sponsors, developers,etc
« on: May 02, 2010, 03:01:55 AM »
I'm working on a game portal where owners/sponsors of games can list them and get some (almost) free traffic. It's in development right now.

Here is how it works:

This is only for the originating authors or sponsors of games. The game's page on your server gets listed in my database. Not the game itself, the whole page it gets played from. The script feeds them out almost as if it were an arcade, but instead of playing the game from our server, or hot linking through an embed code, the game is played from your own website. Our site feeds out a page with frames which includes your page.

The top frame has some ads to help pay for our hosting, a link to report a bad link, a link to put the game into their favorites on my site, and a link to remove the frames(taking them directly to your site).

The bottom frame is the page on your site that the visitor would play the game on, as if they had gone directly to your website. It displays your ads, banner exchanges, etc.

Most of us know that this has generated huge amounts of traffic for site owners who participated in it in the past.

When the site is finished, the rules will be simple:
1) Only the author or sponsor can submit. The originating author gets first dibs on submitting it. If they can not be ascertained, and more than one sponsor submits it, the first sponsor will usually get it. Only one instance will be accepted.

2) We ask for no frame breaking code on your site. We are coding it into our site to set it up so that the visitor can click on a link and do away with the frames, taking them directly to the page on your site. This gives the visitor the choice of adding your game to his favorites list on our site so that when they return they can easily find it through our site as well. Your own ads and banner exchanges will be shown, so you are losing nothing by this, but gaining traffic by advertising through our site. We feel this is not a burden, and a very small price to pay for the extra advertising you will be getting.

3) No adult anything on your page. We don't care if you don't have a problem with it or not. If our advertisers have a problem with it, we have the problem, and it will be taken down. We won't play games with this.

4) We require you to use a real email address when registering, if you are going to be submitting games for this promotion. No, we have no desire to SPAM you, we hate it ourselves, but if there is a problem with your game/site and we can't get ahold of you, it will get removed. Again, we can not afford to play games with this. We just need to be able to get ahold of you if there is a problem, that's all.

5) A sitewide/front page link back to us. This is also not a burden on a webmaster for getting some promotion.

6) We could add or modify these terms as we see fit. You either accept them, and any changes, or you can't participate.

While we are in development mode, I ask for some more cooperation as well. As soon as we take it mainstream, you can drop this. While in development mode, we ask that you stay subscribed to the newsletter. Again, we do not want to SPAM you. It is just the easiest way for us to email everybody to let you know the progress of the site.

When the site goes live, you may unsubscribe from the newsletter through your account profile. We just want to make it as easy as possible to get news of progress to you in the mean time. You are of course free to stay signed up for the newsletter. When/if we do send anything out it might contain something important. But when the site does go live, you are free to unsubscribe if you wish.

Now, having said all that, I'm looking for more arcade owners who do have their own game(s) who would like some extra promotion to put into the system. to start it out. There are already a couple in there, but I'm looking for more.

I'm not planning on publicly giving out the URL right now as I do not wish people stopping by to visit it just yet. It's not ready for prime time, I have some coding to do on somethings, such as the admin panel, the template, color scheme, features to add, etc. Those who help by submitting games for promotion can check it out. It is expected to be go live very shortly though.

If interested, PM me for the URL. You will need to set up an account, and then let me know the username so I can add game admin privileges.

This is something that has been formulating in the back of my mind for a couple years now, and I expect it to be big, and help those game owners who use it hugely. I just apologize for it taking so long to get it done. Sorry folks, I know you could have used it sooner, but I've been having some time issues.


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Re: For game owners, sponsors, developers,etc
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2010, 01:05:23 PM »
A fantastic achievement here, looking forward to see this go a lot further well done !!


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Re: For game owners, sponsors, developers,etc
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2010, 03:21:15 PM »
Just a quick update:

We took the site live, it's now in beta testing. http://gamersgo.com You are invited to submit games you own there.

Recognize the script? Yep, that's FAS, and it didn't take too much moding to get it to that point. Shows you how much potential this script has.