Free Arcade Script

General => Content => : am-fs October 26, 2014, 12:52:00 PM

: Free Game Pack
: am-fs October 26, 2014, 12:52:00 PM
Here is a Free Game Pack to start off your arcade containing 217 games.
Download the install attachment in this thread.
Get the games and images => Here (
View the games in the game pack =>

*Note* Image Sizes 100x100

You are free to use these games on your web site or blog or any other internet media as long as you do not modify the game files in any way. You are not allowed to edit the game file like removing logos, links or credits from the game or replacing them with your own. Do not use any method to disable the links within the game in any way. You are not allowed to charge users for playing these games on your web site or any other media.

This game pack is designed so that it can be added to Free Arcade Script games table even if there are existing games. There is no need to empty or drop the table to use them. But I strongly recommend backing up the database before you install this game pack.

*NOTE* When Installing, you will NOT have a dateadded in the games table!

1) Back up your site .......... just to be SAFE!!!!
2) Un zip the files.
3) Upload the games to your games folder and thumbs to your thumbs folder.
4) In phpMyAdmin in your website's cPanel, choose the database your arcade uses.
5) Select the "Import" tab on the top of PhpMyAdmin
6) Select the "Browse" button and locate the sql file for this gamepack.

*IMPORTANT* Make sure the "Do not use AUTO_INCREMENT for zero values" option is UN-checked!
7) Select the "Go" button

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