Free Arcade Script
FAS Help => V2.x => : ermin March 02, 2012, 09:47:44 AM
Hi i wonder if anyone can help me understand why some games just want be saved?
It depends on what games you're talking about?
Embedded, hosted, previously uploaded?
Also have you activated the games after you add them?
Since you have many issues with the script it may just be easier if you continue the PM you sent me earlier along with your ftp login details. (if you want that is..). Then I could just go in and fix things and explain what happened after to you incase it happens again and nobody is around to help again.
btw I have removed one post of yours because it was a double.
I have double posts on my blog from you too.
We will reply when we see the posts, please don't make duplicate posts.
We are not always online, although I usually am along with spaghettiokillers. But I just got back from vacation and spaghettiokillers is also on vacation.