Free Arcade Script
FAS Help => V2.x => : soulwebsites February 23, 2012, 04:06:43 PM
Hi I have been having a go at trying to make a message count function so I can display it next to the users avatar on the main page but im failing miserably
Here is my code:
This is called messagecount.php
function messagecount () {
global $domain, $db, $userid, $mes;
$mes = $db->query(sprintf('Select * from DD_Messages WHERE to_userid='.$userid.' and status="1"')) ;
echo $mes;
In Template.php
<?php include ("templates/$template/messagecount.php"); ?>
I have tried variations and quite a few googles but the one thing I found that I thought would work "Select Count" doesnt seem to work due to invalid function/table name ::)
Thanks for any help.... ;D
Im not quite understanding what it is your trying to count and on template you cant just include the file you have to call the function too.
So yeah just echo the function out like this as spagetiokillers said:
echo messagecount();
////// or --> //////
$message_count = messagecount();
echo $message_count;
Please use <?php and not short tags ( <? ) also btw.
Ok I have made a few changes
I have now put this in the functions.php
function messagecount () {
global $userid;
$message_count = mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(Status) FROM dd_messages WHERE to_userid='.$userid.' AND status=\'1\'');
Then this in template.php
$message_count = messagecount();
echo $message_count; ?>
i didnt even realise I was missing the php from <?php thanks Adam
Spagetiokillers I am trying do a query which looks for your userID in the to_userid column then looks for how many messages have the value 1 returning X value so if a user has 5 unread messages it will display a 5 next to the avatar
I have ran the sql query in my webhost sql admin and it brings back exactly what I need.
any ideas?
Your problem is in the function your missing the return and setting the to_userid. I made it actually display something however it seems to be displaying an array and i cant get it to display a count for some reason. This will hopefully help you get there tho.
function messagecount () {
global $userid;
$message_count = mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dd_messages WHERE to_userid="$userid" AND status=\'1\'');
return $message_count;
Im on my way home now so im mobile but i think you need to wrap that query in a ' mysql_result($query, 0) '
If im wrong ill figure it out in hopefully a few hours if traffic aint bad.
Thanks spagetiokillers, Adam and Google ;D
after adding a return and a result + the below it worked
the other part of my problem was the "to_user" when I just put $userid it didn't work however if i just put 1 it displayed my message count fine so I knew as usual i had done something wrong ::)
here is the working code
function messagecount () {
global $userid, $usrdata;
$userid = $usrdata['userid'];
$message_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dd_messages WHERE to_userid='$userid' AND status='0'";
$message_count = mysql_query($message_count) or exit (mysql_error());
$message_count = mysql_result($message_count,0);
return $message_count;
thanks again..... ;D
You need to use "$suserid".
You can also use $_SESSION['userid']
But if you use $_SESSION['userid'] in a query you need to wrap curly brackets around it.
thanks adam ive changed it to use session ;D
Doing it that way is fine for what you're using it for. but.. say you try to echo $_SESSION['userid'] and the user isn't signed in then it would display a error.
So in other cases you would want to check to make sure the variable isn't empty or not set by doing the following...
//the user is signed in so you can echo user info
echo $_SESSION['userid'];
//user is not signed in so you can echo a error or do nothing
echo "Sorry, but you need to be logged in!";
after the count was working when I called the function instead of just calling I changed so it had the "if(!isset($suserid)) *** else ***" wrapped round it to stop it showing for non logged in users is that ok or should I still change to match your code?
Is one more secure that the other?
after the count was working when I called the function instead of just calling I changed so it had the "if(!isset($suserid)) *** else ***" wrapped round it to stop it showing for non logged in users is that ok or should I still change to match your code?
Is one more secure that the other?
Yours will work just as good. theyre both the same basically.