Free Arcade Script
General => Site Showcase => : soulwebsites December 04, 2011, 01:50:26 PM
I have been working on my theme for a bit now and i think im getting to the end of the first release
wanted to see what you guys thought.....
I have tried to keep it simple less images etc. Gone through some validation 58 Errors, 5 warning(s) outstanding ::)
If you would like to see the top nav etc when logged in use:
Username : test
Password : fastemp
Looking good.
Keep up the good work. The sliding login bar is a nice feature, used to have that for a dating site.
Lookin good!
Nice Job ........... Looks Good ;D
thanks for your responses sorry I have not been on sooner work is taking over again however I have managed to knock up a new template (
still got bits to finish but its almost done....
Blocked by my Malwarebytes.