Free Arcade Script
General => General Discussion => : Adam LaCombe November 17, 2011, 12:41:58 PM
Please sign this!
Hopefully it will make a difference..
Well from what I hear from a couple different places this bill has been passed...... last step, presidents signature.
The 21st of November, please be apart of this with me, okay?
Our websites may or may not have a large amount of traffic going to them, but what I want for us to do is.. for at least a day, two days great, a week frikin amazing! Just shut down your site, display a page that is similar to something the government will display when a website is blocked.
I'll code up a basic little page displaying a message of what a real blocked website will look like thus showing the everyone what this bill can do to America.
I have created a simple 'US firewall blocked' page. Start asap if you want.. I have.
People need to know what is happening.. make this as public as you can and stop this bill from becoming a law. - I set up the example page and blocked users from accessing my website to get people to stand up for their right on the internet. You should do the same..
Here is a zip containing a basic blocked webpage.
huh... okay... well I guess I have done all I can do..
Waiting to hear if the president signs or not.. I sure hope he doesn't. Were all gunna be f***ed if he does.
I'll let everyone know asap what happens.. because we all may wanna take our sites down asap or face 5+ years in prison.
I'll probably just have the internet disconnected lol, no use for it really without being able to have my sites running, browse Facebook, Youtube, Google, Yahoo, etc
Life is gunna suck lol
If one was to create some software over a long period of time, then one would would expect a financial return from it. Not have it cracked and distributed willy-nilly all over the internet by those useless people who attempt to make themselves popular by simply stealing other people's work and distributing it for free.
I'm going to remove "Powered by Free Arcade Script" from my websites, so that I can join the ranks of the other assholes that you appear willing to want to support. :(
There is such a thing as "The fair use policy" - It's a pity some people don't respect it.
its not that hes supporting them its that the bill is worded in way that allows the government to shut down most popular site on the Internet for having the smallest amount of copy right infringement. I for one dont support this specific bill, however, i support a bill like this one that will stop those who do steal others software and give it away for free not the ones making a video about a game and posting it on youtube for example.
Honestly, you all may hate me for it lol, but.. even with scripts I sell and what not.. I expect that it will be given away for free here and there, but not everyone is going to get it for free.. so at least 60% will purchase the script. For me thats alright. I mean hey some people have the money and some don't.
I ain't afraid to say it.. I pirate software, I do it because I don't have enough money to purchase a product thats just about $900.
Either way, this bill is going to do a lot more than stop pirating (actually.. it won't stop pirating.. it may limit it though), it going to enrage people that they can't access the sites they want to.
Like I said, people will loose their jobs, etc.
Pirating will continue via Usenet for sure. Only way they could stop that is if they made all ISPs block the port needed to host a Usenet server. But still people could use other ports..
That is one thing the gov hasn't ever been able to monitor is Usenet.
So if I were any of you, I would download a Usenet client, that way you have a way to communicate if all these sites start shutting down.
I would grab a bunch of server addresses also.. like build a php script to scrape a Usenet search engine.
I ain't afraid to say it.. I pirate software, I do it because I don't have enough money to purchase a product that's just about $900.
And that of course legitimises the reason as to why you should be entitled to it just because you want to use it to improve your own skills at the expense of others?
Either way, this bill is going to do a lot more than stop pirating (actually.. it won't stop pirating.. it may limit it though), it going to enrage people that they can't access the sites they want to.
There was a time when SysOps AKA Webmasters were held responsible - BY LAW for the illegal content they had on their sites - But you would be too young to know or understand any of that, or apparently care about it.
Like I said, people will loose their jobs, etc.
Rubbish! More than likely the legitimate workforce will increase in numbers.
Pirating will continue via Usenet for sure. Only way they could stop that is if they made all ISPs block the port needed to host a Usenet server. But still people could use other ports..
That is one thing the Gov hasn't ever been able to monitor is Usenet.
So if I were any of you, I would download a Usenet client, that way you have a way to communicate if all these sites start shutting down.
I would grab a bunch of server addresses also.. like build a php script to scrape a Usenet search engine.
So it's continue business as usual with P2P or whatever means just to keep the "Pirate Cycle" up and running - - - - - - -
YOU DISGUST ME! A so-called programmer that steals other programmer's work! and has the gall to expect people to pay for what you claim to have achieved?
And you have just re-enforced the reasons as to why I've always had misgivings about this so-called FAS script that appears to have been cloned and patched from other scripts that I have come across because - - It has no history, no SVN, and NO claim to fame in the headers of the php scripts, which is something that legitimate programmers seldom fail to do.
Maybe you should add something like that - Then we'll openly test the voracity of it.
But as I have no time for Piracy, or those who advocate it - I bid you a fond goodbye.
@spagh - Wrong! Adam does support Piracy. :P
lol calm down a tad.. no need to get so worked up.
No, actually if this bill does get passed, yes, a lot of jobs will be lost.
One link to a video containing any copyrighted content (even just music playing in the background) on Facebook, Yahoo, Myspace, any site.. will mean that site where the link was posted will be shut down. The person who posted that link, will go to prison for 5 years.. that person may not have even made the video or whatever has the so called copyrighted content in it.
You think thats right?
Here is an example.. a 60 year old woman, who knows just enough to get around on the internet posts a picture of Stewart Little and his cat friend there on Facebook. Boom, there goes Facebook.. shut down to the whole USA. That older lady who knew nothing of her so called "crime" goes to prison for 5 years.
Soo you still think thats right?
I may use pirated software, but never have I copied anyone elses work and claimed it was my own. FAS.. you think FAS is copied and patched from other scripts? ::)
FAS from what I know was coded by uhhh yeah I forget.. hes on this forum, but hardly ever visits. Anywho, he sold this script to Robbie.. from what I know of this script was very very small and had hardly any real features.
Kurt came along and he beefed it up. Kurt is the most honest guy I know.. he would never EVER copy anyone elses work.
From I remember he as done some work on other arcade scripts, like Your Arcade Script (Which Robbie also used to own). So maybe that is why you're seeing similar code.
As for me? Any code on FAS or any script I may have built or helped build is not copied. I may learn from reading tutorials and what not, but nah all my work is legit.
I fully support IP rights, and clamping down on pirating anything. And the only part of FAS that I know of that is copied from somebody else is the JS for the ratings which you pointed out, I not being aware of it at the time, and now has the credits back in place as it should.
And yes I have chewed on Adam more than once about using pirated things, and have explained it to him why I dislike pirated stuff so bad.
In this case however, I do tend to side with Adam in that this particular bill is an overkill, and can be used as a heavy blunt object by enforcement when a scalple might be better suited for a problem. In the days when sysops were called that, sites were smaller, and the sysop in question was more familiar with everything that was on their server. And if he/she found something illegal, tended to take it down ASAP. Now days, people come in and sign up, and can post things they shouldn't, without the sysop even knowing about it, all because sites can grown too large, too fast, for them to know it all. If this bill is passed, they will use it to make examples of sites, to put fear into everybody else. The site being nailed might not even know what is going on, or why. Somebody with a beef against FAS for example, could sign up, post something like a game to be downloaded, knowing that its illegal, then point it out to the enforcement people, and FAS gets into a load of trouble. And this without any of us knowing what happened until explained to us in court. This is too broad, to vague, and that makes it a tad dangerous.
I do agree with IP rights though, and feel that warz sites should be taken down. I just don't think this is the right tool to give to law enforcement is all. I think it should be better defined, powers clearly spelled out, along with how things should be dealt with. For example, a site owner should be notified with info as to what was found to be in violation, what page, description, etc, and given at least a week to respond. And if they respond that they can't find it, or can't access the server for a spell, or something of that nature, perhaps worked with a bit more if they are attempting to cooperate. The current bill defines nothing of the sort. It gives too much discretionary power to operatives to act too fast and hard against people that would otherwise be more than happy to cooperate. You give that kind of power to the wrong kind of person, with the wrong psych profile, and what do you get? Look at the TSA agents for a clue.
I think it needs some refinement first.
i agree 100% with Kurt
Almost forgot.
1) I don't claim to be professional. I try to help when I can, but I don't claim to be anything close to an expert.
2) We don't charge for FAS.
3) We have tried to make it clear who contributed what parts when we could. The only part I can think of that is not given proper credit is the new default template, which I don't know who made up for us. The ratings system was done before we took over, and when we were informed of the situation, we attempted to rectify it as quickly as possible.
Just so we are all clear on a few things.
FAS from what I know was coded by uhhh yeah I forget.. hes on this forum, but hardly ever visits.
Well at least you can remember that he's on this forum but hardly ever visits - Probably fits most users here.
Here is an example.. a 60 year old woman, who knows just enough to get around on the internet posts a picture of Stewart Little and his cat friend there on Facebook. Boom, there goes Facebook.. shut down to the whole USA. That older lady who knew nothing of her so called "crime" goes to prison for 5 years.
Soo you still think thats right?
Legislators have to write laws that are unambiguous and don't favour one person or the other. In other words they don't assume that "Grandma" may be doing something that she shouldn't be doing or whether she knows that she is doing the wrong thing or not. Or whether it's a professional distributing pirated stuff or anything else that's illegal.
That's what the Judiciary are there for. It's called Democracy where each case is tested on its own merits.
People have a right to protect their intellectual property whether you like it or not, and if you don't agree with that - Then you take THEM to court - That's what it's there for.
So let's stop with the crap and the hype about everyone and everything that you assume from others is the way it will pan out.
Laws have to be unambiguous - The Justice system determines how it will be applied.
The same could be applied to your arguments - It's the Judiciary who will have the last say on what is right or wrong - Much the same way as they do with the Constitution.
And - Re the ratings script.
Putting the credits back is one thing - But the license clearly stipulates.
Dynamic Star Rating Redux
Developed by Jordan Boesch
Licensed under Creative Commons -
Attribution — You must give the original author credit.
Non-Commercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
No Derivative Works — You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
And if FAS wishes to charge for Game-Packs and removal of the FAS "link" - Then it's a Commercial enterprise.
It doesn't give you too many options - Either you remove it completely or do a deal with the Author of the script, or write your own rating script so that you can continue to keep FAS Commercial.
Hmmmmm had not thought of it that way, but you are correct. I have used their contact form to submit a query concerning it to the developer. Thank you for pointing that out.
Like I said, I don't claim to be professional, just trying.
And usually I would agree with the courts being the ones needing to work out the legality of a law and how it is applied. But this bill, and especially with the one the Senate is working on concerning the Presidential use of the US military, remove the judiciary from the equation all together in way too much. That's part of why this bill gives me heartburn. I forget what that bill is called, but it gives the President the power to use the military to arrest people anywhere in the world, even main street USA, and hold them without charges or trial for an indefinite length of time. You simply disappear. Granted, it is meant to fight terrorists. However, how long will it take before jay walking is officially labeled as a terrorist activity and you simply disappear to Guantanamo Bay for the rest of your life, because they wish to make an example of you? You know our government, they consistantly abuse power. It would not take long before this gets you labeled as a domestic terrorist(via the economic impact it has), and you go by by when some snook posts something on your website without your knowledge or consent, and a court never hears the case.
I'm all for protecting IP rights. I just think that this bill needs some better definition, clear cut boundaries and protocols, or it could be used to impose dictatorial powers at some point. We have laws concerning IP rights already on the books. We could get by with simply enforcing the ones we already have. It simply costs money to do so, so they tend to get left unenforced unless its a major case or they want to find a way to nail you and that's the only option they can find. Passing this law won't make more money magically appear to pay for enforcement, just give them more of an oportunity to abuse power. By all means lets do protect IP rights. But this bill is crafted to grant too much power and leeway. Perhaps instead of going after Amish farmers who sell raw milk to people who buy it *because* its raw, they should use the money and manpower to go after people violating the IP laws we already have. Wouldn't that be better than trying to push through a law granting them draconian powers? This law helps remove the judiciary from the equation. So no protection for peoples rights by the courst anymore. That's all I'm saying.
OK, got a reply back from the developer on this one. Here is the email he sent back.
Hey Kurt,
Don't worry about it. You guys can continue to use my star rating script for free with your script.
I understand that you're not in it for huge profits :)
As long as the credits are still in there.
In fact, when I get a chance I intend to put a link back to him in the zip file that people download to get FAS. Might take me a few days as I have another daughter coming in to spend a couple days with us, but I will try and get that done soon. Adam, have you made any changes to the zip file that I need to get so that they are in the zip I make, or do you want to put the link in it yourself? Either way works for me, but either way I need to have a copy of the most recent files anyway.
Oh, just so you know what I was referring to, here is a link to the story on the ALCU's website
The combination of the bill talked about in that story, with this bill, or any other of broad sweeping powers, does give me heartburn. I still say we do need to crack down on people violating IP rights, but this bill is too broad, ill defined, and combined, could be used to force a dictatorship here being as the courts would be removed from the loop.
Nope, I haven't made any changes since the last time I sent you the zip with the security updates.
OK, got a reply back from the developer on this one. Here is the email he sent back.
Hey Kurt,
Don't worry about it. You guys can continue to use my star rating script for free with your script.
I understand that you're not in it for huge profits :)
As long as the credits are still in there.
I know, He emailed me also to indicate what he has agreed to. ;)
Learn a lesson Adam - - - Most people, even when they have had their scripts stolen and re-badged, still don't mind helping legitimate requests for free use (Just like myself). But if it becomes widely known that you '"Support Piracy" then chances are you'll be dead in the water.
As for the rest of it - - - I'm not that inclined to get any further into American Politics. But one thing can be said - "You have the right to protest" - It's the same Democracy that is trying to protect the American people (For whatever reasons) the best way it can, and at the end of it the "Ballot Box" determines who agrees with what.
Just imagine an election based on repealing the proposed legislation - May work - May not.
I don't pirate scripts though...
The only thing I use that is pirated software related is programs like Adobe software. I highly highly doubt they would give me anything for free,
I don't even use their software except for the flash player anymore because I run Ubuntu, and Wine can't run Adobe software.
I understand what you're saying though.
Now I'm out of here for some time while I attend to other things that have been left wanting.
Cheers! ;)