Free Arcade Script
General => Introductions => : djpleasure February 14, 2010, 07:45:33 AM
Hi everyone
I am djpleasure (Nick) from I am new to Fas, in process or putting mine on my main website, still in design stage. Iwant to shout a MASSIVE thanks to the tech guys here for all the help they have provided me, without it i'd have a bruised forehead through banging my head against the wall, not due to the script, just my lame knowledge of php and paths etc.
Once again, Big Big thanks, and hi to everyone here
Welcome to FAS, Nick! :)
We are always glad to help (even though I haven't helped you yet before lol)
Welcome Nick. It was my pleasure to help out. I enjoy that kind of thing. Hope to hear more from you and help in the future.
Welcome djpleasure,
It's is good to see you ehre i hope to see some more posts from you and i hope you enjoy being here.
thanks, good to be here :-)