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Peeps, we keep getting the same question over and over. All that is stated is errors on my page. We don't mind helping you, Honest, we don't. But we all have a very busy life of our own, this is a free script meaning it puts no money in our pockets, and that means we work to support this. This means we have a choice to either spend what time we have working on the script or answering the same question over and over and over and over and........

We do realize that perhaps we could clarify the instructions some. But have you even read the instructions before asking the same question? Or have you even looked to see if that question has already been answered a number of times already?

So, in an attempt to cut down on the number of times we hear the exact same thing, here are a few tips to look at

1) You need to set up the proper directories, and have the permissions set properly on them. They are listed in the instructions.

2) You need to set proper permissions on some files. Also listed in the instructions.

3) You need to have some categories set up, and you need to activate them. They are inactive by default.

4) You need to install some games, and then you need to activate them. They are inactive by default.

5) You need to have some links in the database, and have some of them set to sitewide. That means setting the active field to "2" on at least 1 of them.

6) While setting it up, I suggest setting the cache life to "1" so that things refresh faster, then back up to 15 minutes(900 seconds). This can be done in the config.php file found in the includes directory.

7) Which brings us to the settings in that file. You need to edit all the needed settings, not just the database settings. You need to setup the cache directory path. For setting up your site I also suggest editing the cachelife as stated above.

All this is laid out in the instructions, please do read them. If you do not understand the instructions, please state so when asking for help, and maybe even what it is that could be better about them. If you have suggestions on how to make the instructions better, we would love to hear them. Honest, we want to make them as easy and as clear as possible, and your feedback is what we have to go on. So don't be timid, feel free to make suggestions. Or on how to make the script better, easier, or more functional, or to point out a bug. We love feedback around here, good, bad, or down right ugly.

Free Arcade Script is a very serious piece of coding. It offers far more than other free scripts, more than most paid scripts even. Few paid scripts can even compare to some of the features given away here for free. It does require you to learn something though. It does require you to learn how to set it up somewhat, and what each setting is and does. If you can help out by doing your part, learning, reading, etc, then it makes it easier to do our part, which is to make the script even better. We have a hard time doing our part, if you don't at least try to do yours.

If you read the instructions, and still can't make heads nor tails of it, don't worry, we're still here to help so do ask. But at least try first? That's all we ask.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 03:11:33 AM by kurt »