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Topic: Game Packs (Read 13865 times)
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Game Packs
August 19, 2009, 03:36:33 AM »
I'm not sure if this is the correct category for these questions, anyways....
I purchased a game pack, downloaded all of the zip files, then uploaded to the server into the correct folders. So far so good. Per the .txt file...
1) Back up your site!!!!
2) Upload the games and thumbs to your server, in the folder your script uses
to store them.
3) In phpMyAdmin in your website's cPanel, choose the database your arcade uses, and click
on the link to run SQL from the menu.
4) Copy and paste the contents from the proper database file (fas1.2.sql or fas1.3.sql) into the form and run it.
Since I am quite new at php/MySQL, I have absolutely no idea what #'s 3 and 4 are referencing to. I know which database I use for the arcade script, but after that, I am at a total loss. It just seems to me, especially, that the instructions are rather vague. Could a clearer explanation of the instructions be written?
BTW... In the "6900 Games Pack" 1589.swf through 2150.swf are missing. The thumbs are present, though.
Thanks in advance,
Adam LaCombe
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Re: Game Packs
Reply #1 on:
August 19, 2009, 10:48:59 AM »
The instructions are already pretty clear but I'll take some screen shots to show you better.
1) Back up your site!!!!
2) Upload the games and thumbs to your server, in the folder your script uses to store them.
3) In phpMyAdmin in your website's cPanel, choose the database your arcade uses, and click on the link to run SQL from the menu.
4) Copy and paste the contents from the proper database file (fas1.2.sql or fas1.3.sql) into the form and run it.
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Re: Game Packs
Reply #2 on:
August 19, 2009, 11:53:11 AM »
Thanks Adam. Ummmmmm it would look as though one of the zip files is missing. I'm uploading it now. It should be finished in a few hours, then I will need to attach it to the item in the store. We asked for somebody to volunteer to make sure the game pack worked as planned but this was never reported back to us. My apologies in this, I'm working to get it fixed as fast as I can upload from this box.
Thanks for letting us know.
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Re: Game Packs
Reply #3 on:
August 19, 2009, 02:05:47 PM »
Thank you Mr. Hazelnut (Adam),
That's what I thought I had to do but, I just wanted to be more definitive. The other problem I had was opening the fas1.3.sql file. Correct me if I am wrong...all I have to do is open the fas1.3.sql file with a common text editor. Then copy and paste contents to the Run SQL Query box.
Thanks Mr. Cashew,
I will download the zip file again in a couple days and check it out.
Adam LaCombe
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Re: Game Packs
Reply #4 on:
August 19, 2009, 02:12:16 PM »
Correct, open the fas1.3.sql with notepad. Then copy the contents of that file, paste it in the sql query box and run it.
If you're having trouble opening the file try opening it with another text editor like wordpad or maybe try changing the extension from sql to txt.
Last Edit: August 19, 2009, 02:18:33 PM by Mr.hazelnut
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Re: Game Packs
Reply #5 on:
August 19, 2009, 02:44:52 PM »
OK, the missing zip file has been uploaded and attached to the store item. Hopefully it should show up in your account as part10. Let me know either way please, we're still learning the ins and outs of the store mod.
If it does not show up in your account, I'll set up a special download directory for you with just that file in it for a few days. You should not have to re download all the other files though.
Yes, it should open up in any basic text editor, and should work just as well if you have to change the extension to .txt.
Again, my apologies in this.
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Re: Game Packs
Reply #6 on:
August 19, 2009, 02:57:36 PM »
Thanks guys on this , proud of the fact we have so many good lads here ..Btw Will please share your url with us we like to see sites from FAS
feel free to join our banner site
Last Edit: August 19, 2009, 02:59:28 PM by Mr.Peanut
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Re: Game Packs
Reply #7 on:
August 19, 2009, 05:30:05 PM »
Thanks for all of your help guys...
Part10 showed up in my account and I am downloading it now. It takes so long to up/download everything over a slow internet connection. Germany's technology seems so behind the times.
The URL is
. I named it after my son. I have been manually uploading games and I only reached 188 total games. So, I decided to cheat and install the game pack.
I've only made a couple small changes, for example, "Enabled Code" was changed to "Add this game to your MySpace, Blog, or Web Page (just copy and paste)" It just sounds better.
Thanks again,
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Re: Game Packs
Reply #8 on:
August 19, 2009, 06:03:49 PM »
We love to see people changing their site to suite their own needs and tastes. It could get rather boring if they all looked alike.
We are looking for a way to offer uploading the mediom and large game packs for people. We need another box to work with first though. It ties up a computer for days uploading 6900 games to a person's webserver account lol. We need to get another box to take that workload on, and with the right software to do it right. Right now I'm bogged down in a rather unexpected move and work, so it might take a while if it waits on me. If any others wanted to step forward and offer the service though, it would tickle us pink to see. We like having a community grow up around the script, helping each other out, offering services and game packs, writing mods, etc. I hope that I can offer it soon from my workspace here though even if nobody else does.
Thanks for letting us know about that problem.
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Re: Game Packs
Reply #9 on:
August 21, 2009, 06:51:20 AM »
I finished uploading all the files and overwriting the database. All went well, except there is only a small error:
SQL query:
INSERT INTO `dd_games` ( `ID` , `name` , `description` , `file` , `width` , `height` , `category` , `thumb` , `dateadded` , `type` , `thumburl` , `enabledcode` , `views` )
VALUES ( 6968, 'Ninja vs Pirates', 'Ninja vs Pirates', 'ninjavspirates.swf', '500', '450', 101, 'ninjavspirates.jpg', 1237755454, 1, '', '1', 2 ) ;
MySQL said: Documentation
#1062 - Duplicate entry '6968' for key 'PRIMARY'
So, I guess there was only one game error. I would fix the error myself, but with my limited knowledge, I fear I might do more damage than good. If you could hold my hand and walk me through with an explanation, I will attempt to fix it.
Adam LaCombe
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Re: Game Packs
Reply #10 on:
August 21, 2009, 08:27:29 AM »
Im pretty sure it just means that there is already a game with the same ID.
If you remove that other game then you could add in that one, or you could give it a different ID.
Not exactly correct on it, dont take my word. I would wait for Kurt to get a second (and probably more correct) answer lol.
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Re: Game Packs
Reply #11 on:
August 21, 2009, 11:06:19 AM »
I discovered something else that is incorrect. Go to my website
and then click on "Play more Shooting games". Or any category for that matter. And it shows "There currently are no games in this category", but it does list the pages. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Game Packs
Reply #12 on:
August 21, 2009, 11:42:39 AM »
Actually they are 2 separate problems. The games being invisible are because they are inactive in the admin panel. to activate them all at once, go into phpMyAdmin and run this code
update dd_games set active ='1';
This is done so that games are set inactive when first entered in, so that the person entering it can verify that it has not gotten scrambled during upload, and so that a new feature due out soon will work right. It's a cron job script that activates a few each time it's run so that it looks like you are adding games even when on vacation
The other seems to be a error about the primary key. That one I'd need to look into your phpMyAdmin to figure out. It might be that some installations of MySQL or phpMyAdmin do not like the way the game pack is written. If you want to send me your login details in PM I'd be happy to take a look at it for you. I will be back and forth from the computer most of the day but, I should get it done sometime today.
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Re: Game Packs
Reply #13 on:
August 21, 2009, 11:55:43 AM »
I ran the code in my phpMyAdmin and all the games showed up.
I'll can PM you my log-in details to the server, but I have absolutely no idea how to PM you. I am quite clueless on most of this, I just try to go with the flow.
...and by the way, thank you for being so understanding with my ignorance.
Adam LaCombe
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Re: Game Packs
Reply #14 on:
August 21, 2009, 12:07:02 PM »
To PM Kurt click
the icon is also right under his name on each post.
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